LinkedIn Profile


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LinkedIn Profile Services

Today, LinkedIn reports that more than 30 million companies use the platform as a recruiting tool — with an average of 20 million job openings circulating each month. It is the #1 stop for employers, clients, and stakeholders who want to learn more about who you are as a professional with more than 90% of recruiters accessing LinkedIn regularly. With more than 500 million active profiles, LinkedIn offers you access to an unlimited network of professional connections and employment opportunities. Your profile shouldn’t just be a stopover or a place to store your resume — it should be a living, breathing, constantly evolving account of your career.

So, what are the benefits of using LinkedIn?

  • The platform offers a powerful job board and advanced search tool to connect you with recruiters and companies you’re interested in
  • Having an active LinkedIn profile will actually bump up your spot in Google search results
  • There are endless networking opportunities no matter where you are in your career
  • Recruiters expect you to have one –in fact, some will completely disregard your application without it
  • Unlike your resume, you get to personalize your LinkedIn profile to represent who you are and the value you bring to the table

What should be on my LinkedIn profile?

If a recruiter clicks on your profile, what are they likely to see? A pasted version of your resume? Lackluster bullet points? A non-existent profile picture? All of these things can hinder your positioning on the network and almost guarantee you’ll be passed up for opportunities. LinkedIn recently rolled out a totally redesigned Job Alerts system that is personalized based on your profile, user activity, and listed skills. Yes, your outdated profile is actually stopping you from connecting with potential employers. In fact, LinkedIn reports that the first 25 applicants are 3x more likely to get the job — making the new system an incredible tool for your search. This means it’s time for a change. Now more than ever it is imperative to have an updated profile — one that sets you apart from the competition and provides a compelling narrative of your career. 

  • Profiles that include a professional headshot receive 14x more views

  • Listing 5 or more skills will bring in 17x more views

  • Updating your work history will make you 18x more likely to show up in a search

  • 9 out of 10 recruiters turn to LinkedIn when they begin their candidate search

How We Help

Our Advanced LinkedIn Profile service is designed to check all of the boxes. We can tackle that non-existent summary, highlight your achievements, boost your search positioning, and even walk you through updating that profile picture. No matter where you are in your career — we’ve got what you need to take it to the next level. 

We work in three stages:


Assessment / Conversation

Your LinkedIn profile should be a reflection of you. It isn’t something that can be written for you — it has to be written with you. Our assessment includes a one-on-one consultation with a member of our writing team who will work to customize your LinkedIn profile so that it feels personal and looks authentic. We offer a complete review that includes evaluating current content, identifying areas in need of improvement, and eliminating any discrepancies between your profile and your resume. It’s important that details are consistent and dates are on point.

Adaptation / Conversion

Did you know that people with complete profiles are 40x more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn? You need your profile to stand out amongst the crowd. Our service will help it do just that. We will turn that conversation into:

  • A unique headline that captures your strengths and expertise
  • A personalized summary
  • Expertly written bullet points
  • Your own custom URL and background image


Application / Completion

Once we’ve finalized your project and you’ve signed off on the changes, we will access your profile and apply them for you. By the time we’re finished, you’ll have a polished profile to show off to your network and potential recruiters. To take it a step further, we will provide you with ongoing guidance on how to utilize your profile and maximize its potential including requesting recommendations, skill endorsements, and referrals.

Writing Services

CareerLaunch Resume Writing Services
Early Career Resume Writing Services


Start developing your professional brand with strengths-based writing and a fresh, modern approach to formatting. We’ll ensure you’re ready to apply for any job.

Resume Writing Services


Communicate your subject matter expertise with a results-focused approach that is effective for all job search methods. Your next level is closer with us on your side.​

Executive Resume Writing Services


Don’t keep your career’s progress on hold because of your busy schedule. Partner with us and let the results do the work for you with our recruiter-optimized content.

Federal Resume Writing Services


Looking to transition to the public sector? Or reach that next GS level? Our resume writers know the ins and outs of federal resumes and we’ll check every box!