LinkedIn Profile Services


Whether you want to or not, you should keep your LinkedIn profile updated and active. We get it, another account to maintain—but hear us out. Your LinkedIn profile can offer you so much more than you think, but not without a little bit of help. Don’t worry, we’ve got this. 

Our LinkedIn Profile Services are built to make sure you’re checking all the right boxes. We’ll work with you to help you understand the best way to use the platform while building custom content designed to optimize engagement while job searching, boost your positioning in search results, and elevate your presence within your target network.

As of 2024, LinkedIn reports that 67M+ companies use the platform for recruiting, with an average of 20M job openings circulating every month, and six candidates hired every minute. More than 61M professionals engage the job search feature every week. Other fun facts: 

  • Profiles that include a professional headshot receive 14x more views
  • Listing 10+ skills in your experience section will bring in 17x more profile visits 
  • Having an updated work history makes you 18x more likely to show up in search results
  • An active, updated profile boosts your positioning in Google Search too (cool, right?)  

The reality is that your profile is an invaluable resource and an incredibly powerful tool, if it’s properly built, utilized, and maintained. LinkedIn’s unique algorithm can make or break your success on the platform, with stringent specifications and rules that make even the most seasoned user feel helpless. Enter, CareerLaunch. 

What’s included with the LinkedIn Profile Service? 

  • To get started you’ll have a one-on-one consultation with our writing team to discuss your goals
  • We’ll run a full analysis of your account to track performance and engagement metrics—this allows us to identify strengths and deficiencies, establish a plan for your update, and utilize our findings to ensure your new profile maximizes your chances for success 
  • Our team will build custom content designed to meet the needs of the algorithm—we’ll elevate each individual section by showcasing your qualifications and experience while integrating critical keywords where they matter the most 
  • You’ll have the opportunity to review the proposed profile content, answer and ask questions, and make changes until you’re 100% satisfied with the final product—we’ll help you fill in any gaps while addressing any concerns you may have 
  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, our team will log in and handle the updates for you—we will discreetly and professionally integrate your new profile content into the platform while adjusting settings as needed to ensure optimal performance

Rates start at $125 and vary based on scope.